Tuesday 19 December 2017

Reflective Practice - Symbol Analysis

To make it easier to know which examples to talk about in the reflective practice part of my essay, I did a quick analysis of each of the symbols I created. 

  • Very reductive - achieved through use of shape
  • Happy/ evil face = 'pleasure from someone's misfortune'
  • Upside down sad face = 'pain'/'misfortune' 
  • Organised to fit the space better and allow for a simpler aesthetic - not overly complicated 
  • Angle of 'eyes'/'mouths' creates the effect of a single line that runs across both sections of the face- reduction 
  • Metaphor - two faces in one
  • Metaphor - line as facial features 
  • Colours - blue = sadness/ red = pleasure + danger
  • Everything reduced down to just circles of varying sizes and colours 
  • Colour - pink = love
  • Metaphor - circles and dots for people - pink strip linking the dots creates the illusion of arms and people hugging or holding hands.
  • Colour for small dots helps - peachy colour - learnt associations, associate this colour with skin even if not the colour of own own 
  • Plate = metonym - represents all food 
  • Extremely reduced - picked out necessary things 
  • Use of negative space communicates 'longing'/ 'incompleteness' - something missing 
  • Metaphor - rectangle with rounded end creates fingers 
  • Colour - subdued, slightly green = renewal - new life without something
  • Muted = sadness
  • Reduction to just shapes
  • Similar and repeated- fit together closely - organisation 
  • Highly unmotivated visual metaphor - shapes represent people - assisted by the addition of text 
  • Seems complex as there are lots of shapes but this is used purposefully to mimic idea of lots of people being cramped - claustrophobia - complexity and simplicity need each other  
  • Colour - grey for most - not individuals in this context, everyone is in the same position- unable to do anything
  • Selected one to be the focus and illustrate the individual feeling of uncomfortableness and warmth - red-orange = warmth and intensity  
  • Commonly known symbol of question mark used - learnt conventions - familiar to lots of people
  • Organised differently - dot not where it usually is, but mind still processes as a question mark 
  • Metaphor - face also visible to clearly represent that the word is about a person, not just about questions - just enough information, not too little
  • Colour - green = youth/ inexperience 
  • Simple shapes that fit into each other - reduction and organisation 
  • Visual metaphor - tear shape also makes up shape of an eye (= sudden sight) eyelashes pointed to look aggressive = torment 
  • Colours - blue = sadness/ depression/ dark grey = serious, self-denial + self-discipline/ white = emptiness
  • Reduction - not too many different elements - two different types 
  • Metaphor - rectangles with one rounded side to create the appearance of fingers- due to placement around shape inside and flesh colour 
  • Shape inside essentially just a squashed square- metonym for all cute things 
  • Colour - pale purple - commonly used in children's product advertising- cute 
  • Reduction - use of simple shapes- basic circle, rectangles and triangles 
  • Also seems more reduced due to use of cropping - how much information is necessary
  • Contains 3 visual metaphors - all in one - the sun rise, birds (open beak = singing) and a clock = early in the morning 
  • Colours - yellow = sun, uplifting, enthusiasm for life/ orange = beak, energy, vitality. 

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