Wednesday 4 May 2016

Reversing Colours & Toys

One of the most obvious stereotype is that all girls like pink and all boys like blue. I wanted to focus in on this a little more. I decided to take toys that targeted boys but draw them in pink and purple and the same with the girls toys, but with the colours blue and green, similar to what Paul Windle has done. I didn't use red purposely with these ones as I feel as though red is a gender neutral colour that is associated with both. 
I quite like these outcomes. I feel like the boys toys in pink seems a little more natural than the girls toys in blue. I'm not sure why this is. It could possibly be because we do now get pink footballs and cars, as it's become acceptable for young girls to play with these toys. However, it doesn't quite work the same way for the girls toys in boys colours. There are many blue versions of girls toys which is interesting. I'm not entirely sure why this is, but I might look into it if i have time. 

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