Wednesday 4 May 2016


1. Comment on the relationship between the content and practical responses so far.

  • Interesting and different approach by getting kids to do drawings 
  • I like the ink drawings and the naive style 
  • The body of work is all linked to the idea of gender stereotypes and challenging the ideas e have of what is for boys and what is for girls. 
2. Comment on the clarity with which the visual responses and theory are connected. how and why does one process inform the other?
  • Theory carried through to experiment with children's drawings
    • Results from Lydia's drawings informed your direction? Less stereotypical than you had expected perhaps?
    • I like the idea in the second sketchbook, clearly communicating obvious stereotypes, but then looking at stereotypes cross-overs- the 'boys' toys in pink work well.
3. Comment on the visual quality of the practical responses. 
  • By drawing in naive, child-like style clearly communicates your idea of stereotypes being enforced from a young age. 
  • I like the visual quality of the boys and girls toys- I think this idea could be taken further to more resolved outcomes
    • bigger prints, with the toys layered or pattern
    • pink/ purple next to blue/green, but when you look closer the toys don't correspond with the stereotypical colours. 
4. What issues need to be addressed ahead of submission deadline?
  • Develop the ideas from the sketchbook to more resolved outcomes- bigger?
I agree that I need some more resolved outcomes. I've liked layered patterns in my sketchbook as well so I might re-draw some toys or draw some more and start to layer them in Photoshop. Thanks Pal!

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