Wednesday 4 May 2016

Phil McAndrew

I came across Illustrator Phil McAndrews work and found a page on his website where he talks about how much he enjoys his work. I found this really lovely quote from him which is relevant to my work so I thought I'd post it on here. 

'The thing that really struck me, working with a classroom full of six-year-olds, was that kids draw without any reservations or inhibitions. They just have fun and are excited about putting their ideas down on paper, about making something tangible with just a marker and their imagination. And if they're young enough, it doesn't matter how primitive or messy their drawings might look. When it comes to drawing, kids are FEARLESS.

I feel like this will help me to make my drawings seem more realistic in terms of looking like they've been drawn by a child. I like the idea of not worrying about how messy the outcome is. I feel like this is also relevant to my practice in general. Making mistakes is important in the process of learning and I need to stop worrying too much about making bad work. 

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