As well as looking at the content of the results from my experiment, I wanted to look more into the way children actually draw. There's a sense of spontaneity, drawing without really thinking about it which is something I never do when making pictures. I decided to give it a try and draw like a child would. I also incorporated stereotypes featured in the results of the experiment as well as more extreme stereotypes that I've picked up on whilst writing my essay and carrying out research into my chosen theme.
In the images above I wanted to embrace this idea of young girls being 'little princesses'. This seems to be an increasingly common theme in toys for young girls recently. There are also stereotypical elements like heels, the use of pink, long eyelashes and blonde hair.
The images above show slightly older females. Looking at the stereotypes of girls/women being obsessed with shopping and looking pretty.
Lastly, I did some drawings of stereotypes of males, for example liking football or being very muscly. I used the colours blue and green as these are associated with males. Looking back, I'm not sure why I didn't use red as this was a common colour used in the drawing of males in my experiment. Oops.
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