Wednesday 4 May 2016

Playing On Photoshop

I scanned the images in, deleted the background using the magic wand tool and then enhanced the image by changing the levels, contrast/brightness and the colour balance. Luckily all of the images fit into each other quite nicely so it wasn't too difficult to arrange everything. I flipped some horizontally so that they fit the space better. I then tested out some different coloured backgrounds as white seemed a bit boring.
 I tried a few colours that weren't great, but above are a couple options that weren't too bad. I feel as though the grey's a little dull actually. I do quite like the yellow but I felt like blue worked nicely because it made it more obvious what I was trying to communicate by changing the colours. I feel like blue and pink together, along with the images instantly tells you the project is about gendered toys. Also, the blue kind of confuses you into thinking the toys hold the obvious colour for a second before understanding that the colours are the opposite of what is expected. Possibly? I don't know, I might just be waffling now. Anyway, here's the final outcome:

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