Thursday 26 October 2017

Untranslatable Emotions,155,HCB.html

I did a bit of research into some untranslatable emotions as I was getting a little bored of drawing verbs (after two attempts). It's so interesting that other languages have words for things that we don't. Most of them are quite obscure which might either make them easier to communicate visually, or more difficult, but I guess we'll find out. 

Here are some examples:
  • Litost (Czech) - A state of torment created by the sudden sight of one's own misery
  • Schadenfreude (German) - Pleasure derived from someone else's pain or misfortune
  • Saudade (Portuguese) - A somewhat melancholic feeling of incompleteness; longing for something that might never return
I am going to start with these words first. I have underlined key words within the definition for each one to give me more to work with when trying to translate these into images. 

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