Monday, 15 January 2018

Printing Issues!

It's all gone wrong. I went down to the print room on Friday to print my final book and unfortunately there is an off-colour band at the top of each page. It's not super noticeable on some but others are quite visible. I also printed two copies and both are the same. James gave me another print slot today to try and sort it. We went through and picked out a few of the worst pages to test, he was very helpful and kept changing the colour settings and cleaning/ checking the printer each time as we're both unsure as to why it was happening. We got to a point where the pages we adjusted looked a lot better and the strip of off-colour wasn't as noticeable. The digital print room was closing so we quickly printed the whole book with those settings and I paid and left. Unfortunately, some of the other pages now have a strange rainbow tint across them, which looks worse than before. I tried printing the InDesign document in a couple of the mac suits as the paper is still okay quality and I wasn't happy with any of the professionally printed copies. However, when I tried to print in the mac suites, some of the colours that are supposed to match are completely off- possible because James adjusted some image colour modes.? I'm not sure. I've tried multiple times to print and spent a lot of money, but nothing seems to be working. It's upsetting and frustrating because I spent so long on the illustrations and creating patterns for end pages etc. and it hasn't printed at all how I wanted it to. There's not much I can do now I suppose, maybe I'll hand in one of the first off-colour print outs. Schmurr. 

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