Saturday 11 February 2017

Reading The Grimms

To begin with, I thought it would be beneficial to first read some original Fairy Tales. The Brother's Grimm are one of the most renowned writers of fairy tales so I got a book out of the library to give some of them a read. It was really interesting to see how different they were from my understandings of the stories. One of the main things I noticed was the more graphic, violent endings that the Grimms stories have, as well as bawdy humour. This portrays how much fairy tales have been sanitised over the years, probably to make them more suitable for children. 

Helpfully, the book is an annotated version where academic Maria Tatar has analysed the stories and explained where some of the themes within the stories have come from. I took some notes and wrote down things about the backgrounds of the stories, a brief summary of the plot and also any key symbols- which I thought could come in handy for ideas for my visual journal

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