Sunday 12 February 2017

Quotes To Illustrate

I wanted to start with something relatively simply to begin my visual journal. As I was reading some of the Grimms fairy tales, I came across some quotes that I thought would be nice to illustrate. Some of them were quite descriptive and others just simply created an image in my head:

  • "Witches have red eyes"- Hansel and Gretel
  • "Beautiful faces and fair skin, but with heart that were foul and black"- Cinderella 
  • "Her heart turned cold like stone. Envy pride grew as fast as weeds in her heart"- Snow White 
  • "First an owl, then a raven, and finally a dove"- Snow White 
  • "There was little window that looked out onto a splendid garden, full of beautiful flowers" - Rapunzel
  • "Snip, snap went the scissors, and the beautiful tresses fell to the ground"- Rapunzel 
  • "Under the three big oak trees"- Little Red Riding Hood 
  • "A goose with feathers of pure gold"- The Golden Goose
  • "She ended up in front of a little door with a rusty old key in its lock"- Briar Rose
  • "Seven coal-black ravens flying off into the distance"- The Seven Ravens 
  • "I'll give you the ring on my finger"- Rumpelstiltskin
  • "All the trees in the woods were growing tall, with their green branches intertwining"- The Juniper Tree
I think I want to create these in paper cut, as previously mentioned. I've also been thinking about incorporating hand-lettering into it somehow as these has become a big part of practice recently.

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