Monday 13 February 2017

Karolin Schnoor

Beautiful metallic fairy tale cards by Karolin Schnoor on Etsy. I want these all framed and on my wall tomorrow, thank you.:

I found this lovely collection of card illustrations by Karolin Schnoor, based on the Grimms  fairy tales. In some of my research carried out I found out that the most common colours in fairy tales consist of red, black, white, gold, silver and steel and also that green is not usually a significant colour in the stories. I feel as though these illustrations portray this theory but also, I just think they really lovely examples of being able to represent a whole story in one image. You can tell exactly which story each one depicts straight away and this is something I may want to explore within my visual journal.
The images are shape-based but also carry a lot of detail, and the blocks of solid colour alongside negative space make the illustrations more interesting. I believe the process she used to create these were letterpress and foiling which I have never tried! I don't think I would be able to do so in this module as the sketchbook we have been given in this module is a little bit limiting as it is an A5 concertina book. However, I might try and give it a go in another module or over summer. 

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