Sunday 12 February 2017

Maria Tatar- The Annotated Brothers Grimm (1978)

I read through the The Annotated Brothers Grimm in order to get a better understanding of the content of fairy tales. I found out a lot of interesting things (which I will discuss later). In order to make taking notes a little quicker whilst reading, I used tracing paper to highlight and make annotations quicker. This is so that I could quickly and easily refer back to parts of the book when I'm writing my essay. 

Key Notes & Quotes:
  • “Even in an age when the attractions of high-tech entertainment distract us from stories found between the covers of books, fairy tales continue to work their magic. They ceaselessly migrate from one medium to another, shape-shifting to suit audience both young and old and morphing into variants that crackle with renewed narrative energy”
  • Wystan Hugh Auden- ranked as “next to the bible in importance
  • “fairy tales have a depth that keeps us talking about the characters in them without every feeling that we have exhausted their riches. The tales not only reflect psychic realities and lived experiences, they have also shaped lives through their construction of cultural anxieties and desires.”
  • Purpose- To shorten time spent on repetitive jobs
  •  Initial audience- documents for scholars 
  • The Grimms wanted to “capture the pure voice of the German people”- got their tales from real people
  • Relief that comes with the happy ending 
  • Juxtapositions/ opposites- “rags to riches"
  • Stereotypes of gender – changed over time- i.e. brave
  • Vladimir Propp- ‘Villainy’- fuels the plots of fairy tales – “danger lurks in every corner of the world
  • Fairy tales have been moulded and changed but story still shines through
  •  One of the biggest adjustments- have been appropriated for children- 1819 (Grimms)
  •  Change in writing style- more descriptive
  • Eliminated references of a sexual nature, bawdy humour etc
  • Preserved violence – added value- distinction between virtue and vice- children find cathartic pleasures in displays of physical violence- find theory
  • John Ellis- argued that Grimms lost “authentic folk quality
  • Luthi- Grimms narrative style changed- “replacing psychological suffering by a physical blow”- Rapunzel 
  • Deal with daily issues
  • Address important matters that can be difficult to communicate “these are the tales that continue to enchant and entrance, the stories that invite us to engage with events that still matter to us today.
  • Perfect balance of what is real and what isn’t
  • Reach different cultures- Greek Mythology vs. fairy tales- Europa vs. Red riding hood
  • Joseph Cambell- Myths deal with the serious matter of living life, fairy tales told for entertainment
  • Fairy tales can rise to seriousness in re-interpretations- i.e. poets, Angela Carter
  • Cultural issues- Cinderella: courtship, marriage, romance/ Little red riding hood: vulnerable young against predator
  • Remakes in TV/ Film:  If it wasn’t for them fairy tales might not still be as popular
  • Multiple “delivery systems”- “have reclaimed multi-generational appeal
  • Reach different audiences- i.e. tv shows for young adults, books for children
  • Colours used- red, white, black, silver, gold, steel
  • Don’t often use green as a symbolic colour- interesting- green = health, positive, red = danger, negative 

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