Saturday 9 April 2016

My Essay Plan

To what extent does advertising construct our ideas about gender?
How much influence do children's toy advertisements have on our ideas about gender and how have these ideas changed over time.

Advertisements aimed at children (predominantly those of toys) have a huge impact in the way we view ideas about gender. Gender stereotypes and what traits are socially accepted have been ingrained into our minds from what we see and learn as children. This is where it all begins.

Main points:
  1. What were society's views about gender in the 1900's and how were these views expressed through children's toy advertisements. 
  2. What are society's views on gender in the present day? Have we evolved?
  3. Social Learning theories- how to children learn. What influences them the most in terms of advertisements directed at them. 
  4. Do we need to change the messages being portrayed in our advertisements? What can we do to change this- solutions. 
lego letter

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