Friday 3 March 2017

Jack Zipes- Why Fairy Tales Stick (2006)

I wanted to look at a source that was more contemporary and talked more about fairy tales and society in recent years so I found this book written by Jack Zipes about the reasons fairy tales are still popular today. 

Key Notes & Quotes
  • Many of us “try to make a fairy tale out of our lives” even without knowing it
  • Initial purpose- “communicate ideas about natural instincts, social relations, normative behaviour, character types, sexual roles, and power politics.
  • Purpose now- to entertain and instruct
  • How they came about- oral storytelling
  • Functions of fairy tales varied depending on sociocultural context
  • Have been condensed and refined
  • Friedmar Apel- Lost deeper significance due to torn relationship between imagination and reality
  • Jack Zipes (counter-argument)- Apel failed to take into account adaptability and evolvability
  • Fairy tales made or reiterated in the 20th/21st century- for entertainment
  • More relevant today due to increase in literacy & technology
  • Sperber- Due to mental representation & public representation- Only those representations which are repeatedly communicated and minimally transformed in the process will end up belonging to the culture.
  • Contagious/ “they are injected in our systems almost as a cure for dreaded social diseases.”
  • Appeal- utopian transformation- feeds desire for a better life
  • Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza- “an idea is like a circuit of neurons, once an idea has been formed in our brains, it has the capacity to live for a long time, even for an entire lifetime
  • Live at a time where divorce, families of stepchildren and stepparents, dysfunctional families, child abuse is high- gives children hope- overcome abuse i.e. Cinderella
  • Stories should not be explained- independent process of learning
  • Tackles fears of Abandonment
  • Tackled issues that haven’t been resolves over time- family legacy, sibling rivalry, parental love
  • Social Darwinism?
  • Norbert Elias & Pierre Bourdieu- western civilising process?
  • Problems – solutions- “communicate feeling in efficient metaphorical terms
  • use classical fairy tales in mutated forms trough new technologies to discuss and debate urgent issues that concern our social lives and the very survival of human species

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