Wednesday 9 August 2017

Change of Plan

I've been having a think about my potential line of enquiry for COP3 and have decided it might be more beneficial to look at a topic more closely related to my current practice. Although I enjoyed researching and producing work for the subject matter of fairy tales, I'm not sure it would be relevant enough to revisit in Level 6 as fairy tales isn't something I definitely want to explore within my future practice. 

I've discovered over the last two years that shape is something I'm super interested in. I'm excited by the simplification of imagery to simple shapes within graphics and also the composition and cleverness presented in visual metaphors. I feel as though this is something I should be investigating into further and COP3 would be the perfect opportunity to do so.

I popped into uni and spoke to Jamie and Teresa about this and they confirmed changing my idea would be a good decision as I haven't really started much research for my old topic. So, I think it's time to get cracking! 


Go to the library and find a few books on semiotics to get me started. (There will be more on semiotics on the next post).

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