Sunday 23 April 2017

Evaluation of Synthesis Poster

We had to create a poster based upon the 10 words chosen to synthesise our work. I used an image produced for my visual journal as the background as I felt as though it successfully demonstrated all of the selected words. My overall theme was fairy tales- a traditional form of narrative, made contemporary by the use of technology. The image was created through a process of reinterpretation and adaption, reflecting the nature of the genre. My research was focused primarily on the symbolism within the tales and their effects on society and lastly, the actual aesthetics of the illustration uses shape, colour and also texture (in order to incorporate a further sense of traditionalism).  

(I also want to point out that I am aware of the spelling mistake however, I could not actually go back and correct it as my laptop had a breakdown and the file was lost- apologies.)

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