Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Question Rephrase

There isn't much difference but it's slightly better:

'How and why have fairy tales endured to still be a significant part of our sociocultural environment today?'

Old question: 'How and why have fairy tales remained within our sociocultural environment?'

Monday, 24 April 2017


I was a bit worried about this crit as I wasn't sure whether I had used my visual journal right however the feedback I got reassured me that what I've been doing is fine. Everyone was super encouraging which is nice! Also, it was great to go round and see how my peers had used their sketchbooks. There was some really great work!
 At the end of the feedback sheet there was a section about issues that need addressing and someone asked 'How could you use collage in a way that represent the quotes in a non-obvious way?', which is interesting to think about. I may try to address this through more exploration in my visual journal.
Thanks buddies!

COP Submission Briefing (Checklist)

  • Studio Brief 1- 
    • Printed copy of essay & Bibliography 
    • PDF on blog
    • A digital version on TurnItIn- (word doc)
  • Studio Brief 2- 
    • Visual Journal 
    • Blog other sketchbook 
    • 10 page PDF presentation- sum up project (pictures & quotes)
  • A PDF of blog 
  • Printed version of Summative Evaluation 
    • Digital version on blog (typed up)
  • Studio Brief 3- 
    • COP Research Proposal- 10 page PDF
  • Last posts on blog:
    • Written Evaluation 
    • Final Essay
    • COP3 Proposal 

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Evaluation of Synthesis Poster

We had to create a poster based upon the 10 words chosen to synthesise our work. I used an image produced for my visual journal as the background as I felt as though it successfully demonstrated all of the selected words. My overall theme was fairy tales- a traditional form of narrative, made contemporary by the use of technology. The image was created through a process of reinterpretation and adaption, reflecting the nature of the genre. My research was focused primarily on the symbolism within the tales and their effects on society and lastly, the actual aesthetics of the illustration uses shape, colour and also texture (in order to incorporate a further sense of traditionalism).  

(I also want to point out that I am aware of the spelling mistake however, I could not actually go back and correct it as my laptop had a breakdown and the file was lost- apologies.)

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Einstein- Imagination Vs. Knowledge

  • "I'm enough of an artist to draw freely on my imagination, which I think is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."
  • This is a useful survival aid, helping us to solve problems, anticipate challenges and conceive alternatives.
  • When depression sets in, an individual may lose the strength to use imagination to counteract the automatic, overwhelmingly negative thoughts characteristic of the condition. The products of others' imaginations provide an alternative.
  • knowledge facilitates community and continuity, while imagination facilitates change. Knowledge binds us to a sometimes-oppressive existence; imagination helps us escape it.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Visual Journal- Wolf Exploration

So for the other side of my visual journal I decided to do something a little different. I wanted to look at the way in which fairy tales have been constantly reinterpreted and modified over the years and thought an effective way to do this visually would be to take an image and re-draw it over and over, altering each outcome from the last slightly, but making sure to keep the subject matter the same and quite obvious. 

I chose an image that I thought would be interesting to draw and was a key feature in fairy tales or one fairy tale specifically. I chose to draw a wolf, a key character in Little Red Riding Hood. 

I started off with a semi-realistic drawing, expecting the outcomes to become more experimental and interesting over the course of the journal. From the pencil drawings, I moved on to using pen and then paper-cut collage, changing the line quality, scale and technique. 

I proceeded to then move into digital software for the last quarter of the journal as a means of reflecting the way in which fairy tales have been largely distributed through TV, film and various other technological platforms. I found working digitally a lot of fun and tried to work exhaustively with the image I had created using vectors. I played with layers, incorporated colour and used print textures to express the underlying traditionalism of fairy tales.

I feel as though I have effectively demonstrated and experimented with the use of line, shape, colour, texture and collage. 

Monday, 10 April 2017

Laura Packer- Why We Need Fairy Tales

  • I learned how to solve problems, trick my way out of dangerous situations and see beyond the obvious.
  • They are a common cultural language, with familiar symbols and pathways, that let us connect more easily with one another.
  • Einstein said “Imagination is more important that knowledge”. If you believe that, as I do, then fairy tales are one of your most potent tools to feed your imagination.

Justin Taylor- Why We Need Fairy Tales & Fantasy


Saturday, 1 April 2017

Study Task 9- Evaluation of Synthesis

This task was interesting. We had to make a list of 10 words that summarise our project and then link these words together. Some of the link we quite easy to make, and others were a little difficult, for example 'technology' and 'colour'. I'm sure there are loads of links you could make, however I think I was so stuck on the idea of fairy tales, that I couldn't really get it out of my head and forgot sometimes that I was simply linking two separate words, not in relation to fairy tales. Anyway, I created some links between the words: