Monday 30 January 2017

Essay Feedback

I listened to my essay draft feedback. Main points:

  • Good writing style- communicates well
  • Some sweepy statements- not enough theoretical evidence 
  • Needs a focus 
  • Fairy tales- How they are presented in books and film. Disney.
  • What messages are portrayed?
  • Modified to suit the audience 
  • Good examples- We're going on a bear hunt/ The very hungry caterpillar 
  • Look at visual qualities- and link to educational theories
When writing the essay I did feel as though I needed more theoretical evidence running throughout and the lack of this was partly due to not giving myself enough time. I think it's a good idea to focus in on fairy tales instead of looking at film, books and education as these are all really big topics. I thought I may have needed to look at a lot of different angles in order to make a good argument but I went a bit overboard and looked at too many different things. The best thing to do from here is to carry out more research and re-write my essay. If I can use sections from this first draft that will be helpful, but I think it will be beneficial to just start over as I'll confuse myself otherwise! I also need to think about what my new question will be. Argh. Stress.

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